02 - Dissemination of the Joint Action
Leader: National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), Slovenia
Dissemination includes all actions undertaken to ensure that the results and deliverables of the action will be made available to the target groups.
- Ensuring that Joint Action results and deliverables are available to the action stakeholders and to a wider audience
- Ensuring that Joint Action results will be taken up and embedded within the community
- Ensuring visibility Joint Action outputs and outcomes in accordance with guidelines set out by CHAFEA and the EU Commission
Main tasks:
- A stakeholder analysis incorporating SWOT analysis methods at the onset of the Joint Action will be conducted to define the needs of the stakeholders, and how stakeholders wish to be involved in the Joint Action.
- A dissemination plan will be developed at the beginning of the Joint Action. Based on the dissemination strategy, national dissemination plans will be developed, implemented and monitored by each Joint Action partner, and adapted to national target groups in their countries.
- At least one national dissemination activity will be organized in each participating country, where all local stakeholders will be invited and informed on Joint Action activities.
- Specific deliverables will be translated into languages of the EU countries and content will be adapted to the target audience as needed and requested by the EU countries.
- A leaflet (available in English and other national languages here) to promote the Joint Action will be produced at the start of the action.
- A layman version of the final report will be produced.
- Website
Other documents/outputs:
- Stakeholder analysis report
- Dissemination Plan & National Dissemination Plans
- Periodic Monitoring reports of Dissemination Activities
- Interim & Final dissemination analysis report
- Leaflet
- Banner
- E-newsletter
- Final Conference
To receive the e-newsletter as well as other information in relation to the joint action register here.